Nueces County Workplace Injury Lawyers for Oil and Gas Workers

The oil and gas industry is a major part of the economy of the state of Texas, and it employs thousands of people who work on oil drilling rigs, at refineries, and in other high-risk occupations. Oil and gas workers can suffer multiple types of serious workplace injuries, and most of the time, they will be able to receive workers' compensation that will address their medical expenses, temporary disabilities, or permanent impairments. However, these workers can sometimes struggle to receive compensation for work-related injuries, but by working with an experienced lawyer, they can take steps to protect their rights and ensure that they will have the financial resources they need.

At The Edwards Law Firm, we provide legal representation in multiple types of injury cases, and we have a record of success helping clients receive workers' comp benefits and other forms of compensation. Our attorneys have more than 100 combined years of legal experience, and we believe in fighting for the rights of those who have been injured. In addition to assisting with workers' comp claims, we also provide representation in cases involving non-subscriber work injuries, ensuring that employees can seek compensation from an uninsured employer or other parties who were responsible for their damages.

Compensation for Oil and Gas Industry Injuries

There are many issues that can affect the safety of those who work with oil and gas drilling equipment or in refineries. These may include:

  • Fires and explosions - Oil and natural gas can be very volatile, and if the proper procedures are not followed, fires may occur. These can result in serious burn injuries for workers, as well as health issues related to smoke inhalation. Combustible materials may also cause explosions, and in addition to burns, workers may be injured by shrapnel, or they may suffer bodily harm due to the force of a blast.
  • Chemical spills - A variety of toxic substances may be used at oil and gas refineries, and exposure to these substances can result in serious injuries and other health issues. Workers may suffer chemical burns, or inhalation of toxic chemicals may result in lung injuries and respiratory problems. Long-term exposure to certain chemicals may also have adverse effects on a person's health, and it may lead to diseases such as cancer.
  • Equipment failure - Drills and refineries have many complex parts, and if equipment is not properly maintained, it may break down and injure workers. Injuries can also occur if the proper safety procedures are not followed when servicing equipment, such as locking out machinery to ensure that it cannot be operated while maintenance is being performed. In addition to addressing injuries caused by negligent maintenance, workers may also be able to pursue compensation from the manufacturer of defective equipment.
  • Falls - Employees who work while high above the ground should be provided with the proper safety equipment. Failure to use harnesses or other safety systems may lead to dangerous fall injuries. Falls may also occur due to defective equipment such as ladders, ramps, or catwalks.
  • Motor vehicle collisions - Oil and gas workers may become involved in car accidents or truck wrecks while operating equipment or transporting materials. These collisions can be especially dangerous if a worker was driving a vehicle that was transporting oil or other hazardous substances.

Contact Our Corpus Christi Oil and Gas Worker Injury Lawyers

Because of the laws and regulations that affect the oil and gas industries, workers who suffer injuries may need to navigate a variety of complex legal issues. Our firm works to ensure that these workers will be able to receive financial compensation to address their needs. We help our clients identify all liable parties, receive workers' compensation benefits, and take legal action to recover compensation from other sources. For a free consultation, contact us by calling 361-320-6752. We provide representation for injured gas and oil workers in Kingsville, Corpus Christi, Port Aransas, Robstown, Nueces County, Alice, Aransas Pass, Rockport, and Portland.

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